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Buy a Community Screening License

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Choose a Community License if you would like to organize a screening of the film in your local community. This is a great opportunity to partner with local nonprofits or other like-minded groups and an excellent way to bring people together to reflect on life in the womb and its lasting impact on human development and human behavior.


  • Physical copy of DVD.
  • License to screen the film in a public, community setting (theaters, film festivals, etc).
  • License to charge admission or ask for a donation. 
  • Online Access to all Host Resources.


  • 1 Amount
  • 2 Info
  • 3 Payment

1. License Amount

For subtitles, please purchase an Instant Access License

Liquid error: custom_values.location is not a valid form field for Donation.

2. Your Personal Information

3. Payment Details

Contributions are tax deductible.